Meloxidyl Product Information
What conditions does Meloxidyl treat?
Alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders. Reduction of post-operative pain and inflammation following orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.
Reduction of post-operative pain after ovariohysterectomy and minor soft tissue surgery.
How does Meloxidyl work?
It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which acts to reduce pain and inflammation and can reduce fever.
How should I administer Meloxidyl to my pet?
It is given orally as a liquid, so by mouth, with or after food.
What is the correct dosage of Meloxidyl for my animal's weight and species?
The correct dose for your animal is as prescribed by your vet. Your vet will follow the data sheet for the medication prescribed and for some medications will adjust this taking into consideration your animal's medical history.
How long should I continue with Meloxidyl for?
You should continue for the length of time your vet prescribed the medication for. Please read the label your vet has attached to the medication. If you suspect that your pet may be having an adverse reaction to a medication, please contact your vet for advice on continuing the medication.
What should I do if I miss a dose of Meloxidyl?
If you miss a dose of medication, please contact your vet for advice on when to give the next dose.
Where can I buy Meloxidyl?
You can purchase Meloxidyl cheaper than your Vet Practice from To contact, call us on +44 116 218 4244 between 09:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, chat to us directly or email us at
Does Meloxidyl need a prescription?
Yes, as it classified as a POM-V.
How can I buy Meloxidyl from Vets4u?