Semintra Product Information

2  Products


LEGAL CLASSIFICATION: POM-V THIS MEDICINE REQUIRES A PRESCRIPTION. This can be uploaded on this page or it can be sent to   We also re...
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LEGAL CLASSIFICATION: POM-V THIS MEDICINE REQUIRES A PRESCRIPTION. This can be uploaded on this page or it can be sent to   We also re...
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Semintra Questions

What conditions does Semintra treat?

Reduction of proteinuria associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats and treatment of systemic hypertension in cats.

How does Semintra work?

Telmisartan is an orally active and specific angiotensin II receptor (subtype AT1) antagonist which causes a dose-dependent decrease in mean arterial blood pressure in mammalian species, including the cat. In a clinical trial in cats with chronic kidney disease, a reduction in proteinuria was seen within the first 7 days after the start of treatment with 1 mg/kg. In a further clinical trial in cats with hypertension a reduction in mean systolic blood pressure was achieved with a dose of 2 mg/kg. Due to the combination of these pharmacodynamic properties, telmisartan is an appropriate treatment for cats with concomitant hypertension and CKD.

Telmisartan displaces angiotensin II from its binding site at the AT1 receptor subtype. Telmisartan selectively binds to the AT1 receptor and does not show affinity for other receptors, including AT2 or other less characterised AT receptors. Stimulation of the AT1 receptor is responsible for pathologic effects of angiotensin II in the kidney and other organs associated with angiotensin II such as vasoconstriction, retention of sodium and water, increased aldosterone synthesis and organ remodelling. Effects associated with stimulation of the AT2 receptor such as vasodilatation, natriuresis and inhibition of inappropriate cell growth are not suppressed. The receptor binding is long lasting due to the slow dissociation of telmisartan from the AT1 receptor binding site. Telmisartan does not exhibit any partial agonist activity at the AT1 receptor.

How should I administer Semintra to my pet?

It should be given orally as it is an oral liquid.
The product is to be administered once daily directly into the mouth or with a small amount of food.The solution should be given using the measuring syringe provided in the package. The syringe fits onto the bottle and has a ml scale.

After administration of the veterinary medicinal product, close the bottle tightly with the cap, was the measuring syringe with water and let it dry.

Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental eye contact, rinse eyes with water. Wash hands after use. Pregnant women should take special care to avoid contact with the product because substances acting on the RAAS, such as Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) and ACE inhibitors (ACEis), have been found to affect the unborn child during pregnancy in humans. People with hypersensitivity to telmisartan or other sartans/ARBs should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product.

What is the correct dosage of Semintra for my animal's weight and species?

The correct dose for your animal is as prescribed by your vet. Your vet will follow the data sheet for the medication prescribed and for some medications will adjust this taking into consideration your animal's medical history.

How long should I continue with Semintra for?

You should continue for the length of time your vet prescribed the medication for. It is likely to be for life. Please read the label your vet has attached to the medication. If you suspect that your pet may be having an adverse reaction to a medication, please contact your vet for advice on continuing the medication.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Semintra?

If you miss a dose of medication, please contact your vet for advice on when to give the next dose.

Where can I buy Semintra?

You can purchase Semintra cheaper than your Vet Practice from To contact, call us on +44 116 218 4244 between 09:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, chat to us directly or email us at

Does Semintra need a prescription?

Yes, as it is classified as a POM-V.

How can I buy Semintra from Vets4u?

You can buy Semintra via our website via a valid prescription by adding to the basket on our website

NOAH Compendium Datasheet Link to Semintra

Semintra Datasheet

Is there an alternative to Semintra?

Please discuss with your vet as it depends on the reason your cat has been prescribed this medicine.

Which is better – Semintra or Telmisartan?

Semintra is licensed for cats so should be the drug of first choice.

What is Semintra used for in cats?

It is used to reduce protein in the urine associated with chronic kidney disease and to reduce systemic hypertension (high blood pressure).

Is Semintra safe for dogs?

It is licensed for cats only.

What is Semintra?

It is a prescription medication, licensed for cats, containing Telmisartan, used to treat proteinuria in cats associated with chronic kidney disease.

Can Semintra be used for dogs?

Semintra is not licensed for use in dogs.

How does Semintra work in cats?

It reduces the blood flow in the kidneys so fewer protein molecules are lost through the kidneys.

Can Benazepril interact with Semintra tablets

There is limited data on interactions of Semintra with other drugs. The data sheet of Semintra says it should not be mixed with other products. Please speak to your vet for further information.

Can Pronefra be given with Semintra?

There is limited data on interactions of Semintra with other drugs. The data sheet of Semintra says it should not be mixed with other products. Please speak to your vet for further information.

Can Semintra be put in milk?

The data sheet does not state if it is as effective when mixed with milk. It can be mixed with a small amount of food however.

Can Semintra cure heart problems in a cat?


Can Semintra for cats make them urinate more?

This adverse reaction is not mentioned in the data sheet.

Can Semintra go on food?

Yes, it can be mixed with a small amount of food.

Can Semintra help breathing in a cat?


Do Medrone V tablets interact with Semintra in cats?

There is limited data on interactions of Semintra with other drugs. The data sheet of Semintra says it should not be mixed with other products. Please discuss further with your vet.

Does Semintra get rid of fluid in a cat?


Does Semintra stop oedema?


Does Semintra stop fluid build-up?


How good is Semintra?

It is licensed for use to reduce protein in the urine in cats with chronic kidney disease and treat systemic hypertension (high blood pressure).

How long does Semintra last?

It will have an expiry date on the packaging. Use it for as long as your vet prescribes it, how long the bottle will last depend on the dose prescribed for your cat. Once opened the shelf life is 6 months. The shelf life unopened is 2 years or the expiry date on the packaging.

How long does Semintra take to work?

The maximum blood level is reached half an hour after administration, so it will start to work soon after that.

How much is Semintra?

The cost will vary depending on the supplier. Please contact if you would like to know our price.

Is Semintra a phosphorus binder?


Answers Compiled by our RCVS Registered Veterinary Surgeon.