Droncit Product Information

2  Products


LEGAL CLASSIFICATION: AVM-GSL           PRESENTATIONA clear, colourless to slightly reddish solution for spot-on use containing 20 mg praziquantel per...
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Droncit Questions

What conditions does Droncit treat?

Droncit is for the treatment of adult tapeworms in dogs and cats. The tablets are effective against both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms in both dogs and cats.

The product is a highly effective treatment against all the common species of tapeworm infecting dogs and cats in the United Kingdom and Ireland including Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia ovis, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia taeniaeformis, and Dipylidium caninum. Droncit is also effective against Echinococcus multilocularis (see Contra-indications, Warnings, etc).

How does Droncit work?

It contains Praziquantel which impairs the normal tegument function of the parasite, making it permeable to excessive glucose loss and thereby more easily attacked by proteolytic enzymes.  

How should I administer Droncit to my pet?

Droncit tablets for dogs or cats should be given by mouth. The tablets are administered by opening the animal's mouth and pushing the tablet over the back of the tongue so that it cannot be rejected. Alternatively, a tablet can be wrapped in a piece of meat or butter and offered to the animal or crushed and mixed with the food.

The Spot-On treatment is applied by removing a tube from its packaging, holding it upright, twisting the cap then using the reverse of the cap to twist and remove the seal from the tube. Then part the hair on the cat’s neck at the base of the skull until you can see the skin. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze firmly several times to empty the contents onto the skin. Applying it in these areas minimises the chance of the cat licking it. If using more than one pipette perform the applications slowly to allow absorption and allow the contents of one to be absorbed before applying the second.

What is the correct dosage of Droncit for my animal's weight and species?

The correct dose for your animal is as prescribed by your vet. Your vet will follow the data sheet for the medication prescribed and for some medications will adjust this taking into consideration your animal's medical history.

How long should I continue with Droncit for?

You should continue for the length of time your vet prescribed the medication for. Please read the label your vet has attached to the medication. If you suspect that your pet may be having an adverse reaction to a medication, please contact your vet for advice on continuing the medication.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Droncit?

If you miss a dose of medication, please contact your vet for advice on when to give the next dose.

Where can I buy Droncit?

You can purchase Droncit cheaper than from your Vet Practice from www.vets4u.uk. To contact vets4u.uk, call us on +44 116 218 4244 between 09:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, chat to us directly or email us at mail@vets4u.uk.

Does Droncit need a prescription?

No, it is classified as an AVM-GSL medication.

How can I buy Droncit from Vets4u?

You can buy Droncit via our website via a valid prescription by adding to the basket on our website www.vets4u.uk.

Manufacturer’s Link to Droncit

Vetoquinol - Droncit

NOAH Compendium Datasheet Link to Droncit

Droncit Spot-On Solution

Droncit - Tablets

What is Droncit for dogs?

Droncit for dogs is a tablet containing a drug called Praziquantel, used to treat tapeworms.

Does Droncit kill lungworm?


Are Drontal and Droncit the same?

No, Drontal contains the drug that is in Droncit plus other drugs and so Drontal protects against other worms in addition to tapeworms.

Does Droncit kill all worms?

No, it kills tapeworms only.

How long does Droncit last?

It kills tapeworms in the body at the time of administration. A worming protocol of frequency of worming can be worked out with your vet depending on factors such as the risk of infection, where you live and your pet’s lifestyle such as whether it eats prey animals and how often you treat for fleas.

How long does Droncit Spot-on take to work?

It is absorbed quickly and starts to work within 2 hours.

What is Droncit used for?

To treat tapeworms in cats and dogs.

Can I give Droncit and Advocate together?

You can although it is advisable to give a few days in between products, so if there is any type of reaction you know which drug caused it.

How long do Droncit side effects last?

It occasionally leads to a mild skin reaction when given topically which might take a few days to resolve. If it worsens due to your cat scratching the area or licking, then see your vet. Cats may salivate if they lick the product but these resolves. No other side effects are mentioned in the product datasheet.

How to give Droncit to dogs?

Follow the dose directions on the label or packet. Give the tablet orally. You can also check the PDSA website for useful information and advice.

Is Droncit a Spot-on treatment for cats?

It is a drug which comes as a spot-on for cats and a tablet containing a drug called Praziquantel used to treat tapeworms.

Can you give Droncit and Nexgard together?
Yes, although it is advisable to give them a few days apart so if there is any reaction you know which product triggered the reaction.

How much Droncit to give a cat?

The Spot-on 20mg solution is given at 1 tube per 2.5kg body weight and a maximum for a cat over 5kg is 12 mg/kg. 

The 50 mg tablets are dosed at 1 tablet per 10kg body weight for dogs and half a tablet for cats.

How much Droncit to give a dog?

1 tablet per 10kg body weight.

How often do you give Droncit to dogs?

Frequency of administration varies according to risk, including likelihood of tapeworm developing, what flea treatment you use on your dog and lifestyle factors. Your vet or prescriber can advise you.

Is Droncit prescription only?

No, it is classified as an AVM-GSL medication. There are no legal restrictions in the VMR for the retail supply of veterinary medicines classified as AVM-GSL ("over the counter" medicine) but a responsible approach to the supply of these medicines is still expected by the supplier.

Can you give Droncit and Nexgard Spectra together?

Yes you can, although it is advisable to give these products a few days apart so if there is an adverse reaction you know which drug triggered it.

Does Droncit kill roundworms?


Answers Compiled by our RCVS Registered Veterinary Surgeon.